Prostate Problems - Early Detection of Prostate Cancer

Prostate Problems - Early Detection of Prostate Cancer

Prostate Problems - Early Detection of Prostate Cancer

Prostate Problems - Early Detection of Prostate Cancer
Traditionally, the process for early detection with this cancer was the digital rectal examination, the place that the doctor introduced a finger to the rectum and may feel the prostate related to see if there were suspicious nodules. In recent years, it could be a laboratory test: the detection of prostate specific antigen, called PSA. This test was basically introduced to be a laboratory test for diagnosing and monitoring prostate problems and subsequently was proposed as early diagnostic test.

The PSA is usually a protein that is generated by cells of the prostate-related. Analysis of PSA measures the concentration from the blood. A sample of blood and it is measured inside laboratory the volume of PSA containing the sample. Because PSA is made by the body and will be used to detect the condition, sometimes referred to as a biological marker or tumor marker.

It is common for men to obtain low levels of PSA into their blood, however, benign (not cancerous) might increase the concentration of PSA.

The PSA level alone won't provide enough information to ensure physicians can distinguish between benign prostate conditions and cancer. However, your doctor will take into consideration the outcome in this analysis to make the decision whether to investigate further for warning signs of prostate cancer.

The elevated PSA (above 4), might point to a prostate type of cancer but also can indicate other difficulties such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or infection. Therefore, PSA can be viewed a unique indicator of cancer of prostate, but it's high, begin a diagnostic process.

The recommendations of physicians about the screening vary. Some recommend annual screening tests males over 50 years old and some advise men who have a very higher risk of prostate type of cancer to begin screening at 40 or 45 years of age.

 Prostate Problems - Early Detection of Prostate Cancer
Several risk factors boost the chances that your man is suffering from prostate type of cancer. These factors could possibly be considered whenever a doctor recommends screening. Age is easily the most common risk factor, since nearly 65 percent of prostate kind of cancer cases happen in men 65 yrs old or older. Other risk factors for prostate problems include race, genealogy and family history and possibly diet.

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