Surviving Prostate Cancer
I am writing and rewriting my thoughts about 'recollection' when i found a music called "I RECALL You" by Frank Ifield, noted in the first 1960's. I strike the (writing) wall structure... until today.
I uploaded to Facebook just lately, an email that I have already been Cancer tumor FREE for five years. The reactions compared to that post experienced my head content spinning just like a dreidel all day long.
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Surviving Prostate Cancer |
My thoughts have tell you memories of shedding two of my brothers to tumor, Robert Lynn Coons in 1994, at get older 47 and Michael Edward Coons in 2012, at years 56, as well as uncles, aunts, cousins and other friends. Regarding my brothers, their malignancies were generally pass on by enough time these were diagnosed. We have no idea if it included Prostate Cancer. It hurts to note that on the net even. Virtually everyone I understand and certainly almost all of those individuals who clicked on "Like" or commented on that post, have family, distant and close and friends, whom they've also lost to cancer. Since I've survived* it, was required to harm those whose family friends and participants didn't. I never take that survival for granted. Never.* Whatever induced tumors to invade my own body might lead to it again, only not just as. I'm more aware now, but as George Carlin may say, 'Just because the monkey is off you back again, doesn't signify the circus has kept town'.
You are asked by me; plead along to become more aware than I used to be. The medical diagnosis of existing Prostate Cancers came if you ask me through one particular serendipitous situations which grew from what I thought was a different physical problem. I needed twelve-monthly physicals and noticed after the proven fact that my PSA have been climbing within the three past years. I had developed seen it but didn't process the info.
In the morning hours of January 2, 2010 Louisa, Seven and I were walking in Washington Area. It was cold and there is snow on the floor, like today much; nothing unusual about this. Louisa ended to discuss puppies with a gentleman who was simply also walking his dog. At some true point I became aware that I got unsteady. I felt that, easily tried to go I'd fall. If they finishing browsing, Louisa started walking and stopped, requesting me that which was incorrect. I said that I didn't think I possibly could move without slipping. I used to be strolled by her to a bench and sat with me at night. She said I had fashioned no signs typically associated with a stroke. After a few momemts, perhaps five, I acquired up and walked some with her. I alright felt, but was shaken enough to schedule a scheduled appointment with a health care provider. The visit and the next journey, on January 5 started, 2010.
Dr. Katherin Compton analyzed me, got a blood vessels get and advised i go to a neurologist, which I have. She also said that I will visit with a urologist, since my PSA was high, at 9 at the right time. For another a month I underwent brain scans, MRI, MRE, eeg, ekg and I don't recall what else without considering records. The neurologist affirmed that I hadn't experienced a TIA, but probably experienced low blood glucose at the function in the recreation area.
I does go to the urologist, Dr. Reuven Rosen who recommended a biopsy predicated on the routine of the growing PSA. The biopsy exhibited Prostate Cancer; found at an early on level. After considering various options of treatment, including natural and chemo, and because of the past record of tumor in my own family, I thought we would contain the robotic surgery to eliminate it. I've and do give because of God for his information, placing me in attention and the abilities of Dr. Jeremy Weiss, his personnel, nurse, technicians and doctors. I say i because am cancer free, on January 4 since that surgery, 2011, my PSA "undetectable" is still, which really means 'not enough to measure'.
My pal, the later Charles Burrell* unveiled me to the Hamilton Rademacher Men Cancer tumor Community (HRMCC), fourteen days after my surgery. I continue steadily to take part in the support group and encourage you to get hold of myself, through Facebook Private Messenger or by telephone, if you understand of any man whom you think could reap the benefits of our conversations. Men usually don't want to get involved or discuss prostate tumors or speak about any illness. The HRMCC has an atmosphere where men do this really. Really. *Not to be puzzled with the well-known Denver musician of the same name.
Prostate Cancers is still investigated and it is recognized by organizations locally, including the Prostate Conditions Education Council (PCEC) and through occurrences such as Mac's Run for PCEC and the Denver Blue Sneaker 5k, hosted with the Urology Medical clinic of Colorado (TUCC). I've run in each of these races, using a BIB which has a amount and the term SURVIVOR onto it. I am a five-year survivor of Prostate Cancer. I am careful in what I drink and eat and stay watchful of any changes that may signal a big change in that talk about.
There aren't many 'givens' about Prostate Tumor. Due to the prostate, from the male illness, sometimes found as soon as age groups 40 plus and much more 50 plus often. For reasons unknown currently, if is available more regularly in DARK-COLORED men. I asked a guest speaker at a gathering of the HRMCC, a retired urologist why that is. He said, 'we just have no idea.' It's an important area of the research, but up to now, without conclusive results.
You are thanked by me for your respond to my post on as well as for scanning this Ezine Article. I'd be thankful even more if you will visit with the men in your lives about any of it. If you're scanning this and you're a guy over 40, please talk to a urologist about your prostate condition.
Surviving Prostate Cancer
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